5210 Let's Go!
The goal of Let’s Go!, a nationally recognized childhood obesity prevention program, is to increase physical activity and healthy eating for children from birth to 18 through policy and environmental change. | (207) 662 - 3734

The Maine Tobacco Helpline
The Maine Tobacco HelpLine answers your questions and offers friendly support to those who are thinking about quitting or who are ready to quit smoking, or those who want to help a friend or family member quit.

Consumers for Affordable Health Care
Consumers for Affordable Health Care is a Maine advocacy organization that strives to ensure a strong consumer voice in decision making at all levels and in all forums in order to advocate for a consumer-oriented health system in Maine and the United States. | 1 (800) 965 - 7476

Franklin Health Network
Franklin Health Network in Farmington, Maine, is a progressive, nonprofit community hospital whose mission is to provide high-quality, cost-effective, patient-centered health care. | (207) 778 - 6031

From the First Tooth
From the First Tooth is funded by the Sadie and Harry Davis Foundation and is a collaboration of Maine's three largest health care delivery systems: MaineHealth, MaineGeneral Health and Eastern Maine Healthcare Systems (EMHS). | (207) 861 - 5275

Good Shepherd Food Bank
The mission of Good Shepherd Food Bank is to eliminate hunger in Maine by sourcing and distributing nutritious food to people in need, building strong community partnerships, and mobilizing the public in the fight to end hunger. | (207) 782 - 3554

Healthy Communities of the Capitol Area
Healthy Communities of the Capital Area is a coalition of local people who work to improve the health and quality of life in southern Kennebec County. HCCA is a non-profit agency, and the Local Healthy Maine Partnership for the communities it serves. | (207) 588 - 5354

Healthy Community Coalition
Healthy Community Coalition of Greater Franklin County, founded in 1989, is one of the oldest health coalitions in the country. Its mission is to measurably improve the well-being of all people in Greater Franklin County and neighboring towns using a coordinated public health approach of education, promotion, and outreach. | (207) 779 - 3136

Healthy Lincoln County
Healthy Lincoln County is a Healthy Maine Partnership. Healthy Maine Partnerships bring together coalitions of people in every county across the state, and from all walks of life to promote wellness among Maine's people. | (207) 563 - 1330

Healthy Northern Kennebec
Healthy Northern Kennebec serves as the local Healthy Maine Partnership for the Northern Kennebec communities. Its role in the community is to develop and implement environmental and policy change for tobacco, healthy eating, healthy weight, substance abuse and physical activity. | (207) 872 - 4127

Waldo County General Hospital
Waldo County General Hospital offers a wide variety of community programs and classes to promote healthier lifestyles by encouraging consistent exercise and better nutrition, and to support efforts that help to better deal with life’s stressors. | (207) 338 - 2500

Legal Services for the Elderly
Legal Services for the Elderly provides persons age 60 and over with free legal advice regarding health care, health insurance, Medicare (including Part D), MaineCare (Medicaid), Social Security and other public benefits, pension and retirement benefits, powers of attorney, consumer matters including | 1 (800) 750 - 5353

Maine Breast and Cervical Health Program
The mission of the Maine CDC Breast and Cervical Health Program is to provide breast and cervical cancer screening and diagnosis services to underserved women, to provide public and professional education, and to support community partnerships to enhance statewide cancer control activities. | (207) 287 - 4348

Maine Family Planning
The mission of Maine Family Planning is to ensure that all Maine people have access to high-quality, affordable reproductive health care, comprehensive sexual health education, and the right to control their reproductive lives. | (207) 622 - 7524

MaineGeneral Health
MaineGeneral Health's mission is to enhance, every day, the health of the people in the greater Kennebec Valley. | 1 (855) 464 - 4463

MaineHealth is a not-for-profit family of leading high-quality providers and other healthcare organizations working together so their communities are the healthiest in America. | (207) 661 - 7001

Maine Health Access Foundation
The Maine Health Access Foundation's mission is to promote access to quality health care, especially for those who are uninsured and underserved, and improve the health of everyone in Maine. | (207) 620 - 8266

Maine Office of Rural Health and Primary Care
Rural Health and Primary Care is part of the Maine Department of Health and Human Services, Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention (MeCDC), Office of Health Equity. Reviews and responds to all public health issues and concerns with a focus on rural health in Maine. | (207) 287 - 5524

Maine Oral Health Coalition
Maine Oral Health Coalition is a public-private partnership focused on improving access to oral care. The Coalition's mission is "To advocate for and improve access to quality preventive and comprehensive oral health care for all Maine residents." | (207) 622 - 7566

Maine Primary Care Association
Maine Primary Care Association's mission is to lead, strengthen and support Maine's Community Health Centers through education, training, and expertise in health care policy, quality and innovation. | (207) 621 - 0677

Raising Readers
The Maine Libra Foundation created and funds Raising Readers, a statewide program that gives books, free of charge, to all children in Maine between the ages of birth and five. The program reaches the state's 16 counties thanks to a successful collaboration between MaineHealth and EMHS, and the 1,200 healthcare providers that give books to their young patients. | 1 (800) 397 - 3263

Redington-Fairview General Hospital
The Mission of Redington-Fairview General Hospital is to develop, provide, and facilitate quality comprehensive, cost-effective health services. Redington-Fairview General Hospital is an independent community hospital located in Skowhegan, Maine. | (207) 474 - 5121

River Valley Healthy Communities Coalition
River Valley Healthy Communities Coalition's mission is to achieve measurable improvement in the quality of life in the River Valley towns of Oxford County through coordinated, ongoing public health promotion. | (207) 364 - 7408

The mission of SeniorsPlus is to enrich the lives of seniors and adults with disabilities. SeniorsPlus believes in supporting the independence, dignity and quality of life for those we serve. | 1 (800) 427 - 1241

Somerset Public Health
Somerset Public Health, a local Healthy Maine Partnership, is a team of local leaders and citizens of Somerset County who strive to improve the health of the communities. | (207) 858 - 8452

Spectrum Generations
Spectrum Generations' mission is to promote life-long learning, health, wellness, nutrition, community engagement and social well-being of all older and disabled adults in the central Maine region. | 1 (800) 639 - 1553

Stephens Memorial Hosptial
The mission of Stephens Memorial Hospital is to ensure a high quality, accessible, affordable, and appropriate integrated health care system to improve the health and well being of the community. | (207) 743 - 5933