211 Maine
A comprehensive statewide directory of over 8,000 health and human services available in Maine.
Access Maine
Access Maine is an online resource guide with information to connect people living in Maine to public programs, services, and other resources that are available to provide support they need to be safe, happy, healthy, and successful.
AdCare of Maine
AdCare Educational Institute of Maine is focused on the following topics: Behavioral Health & Substance Use Disorders, Prevention Training & Technical Assistance, Problem Gambling, and Public Health & Healthcare Emergency Preparedness. AdCare’s goal is to enhance professionals and the workforce in the prevention, intervention, treatment, and recovery of substance use disorders, behavioral health, and other public health issues.

Androscoggin Council of Governments
Community profiles, community planning and economic development for Androscoggin, Franklin and Oxford Counties.

Consumers for Affordable Health Care
Nonprofit, nonpartisan, research and advocacy organization committed to helping all Maine people obtain quality, affordable health care and to protect the rights of health care consumers.

CoverME.gov is the website for the Maine Health Insurance Marketplace. CoverME.gov is designed to help find affordable health coverage for you and your family.

CradleMe.org services are available to all Maine familes who are expecting or have a new baby at home for free. CradleME helps connect you with the right home-based or virtual services for you and your baby. CradleME is a partnership between many programs: Public Health Nursing, Maine Families, WIC Nutrition Program, MaineMOM and Child Developmental Services Early Intervention Program.

Crisis Hotline Resources for Maine
Recource page with crisis hotlines for Maine.

Family Violence Project
Serving the special needs of women, children, and men in Somerset and Kennebec counties who are experiencing domestic violence and abuse.

Franklin Community Health Network
All of the programs and companies under this umbrella organization, including Franklin Memorial Hospital in Farmington.

Healthy Living for ME
Healthy Living for ME is helping communities across Maine create a culture of health, where prevention and wellness are the norm. Their evidence-based programs give you the tools you need to take control of your own health and manage in a way that works best for you and your life. Healthy Living for ME programs provide education, fitness instruction, and self-care strategies for participants.

Healthy Maine Partnerships
The following local Healthy Maine Partnerships work within HealthReach Community Health Centers' service area, and are dedicated to spearheading collaborative efforts to pioneer new approaches to improve nutrition, promote physical activity, and reduce tobacco use and exposure for youths and adults.

Kennebec Valley Council of Governments
Community profiles, community planning and economic development for Kennebec and Somerset Counties.

LGBTQ+ Resources
Resources for LBGTQ+ community members and allies, a list of state-wide and national resources for teens and families.

Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention provides information, resources, and tools to assure conditions in which all Maine people can be healthy.

Maine Department of Health and Human Services
The Maine Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is dedicated to promoting health, safety, resilience, and opportunity for Maine people. The Department provides health and social services to approximately a third of the State's population, including children, families, older Mainers, and individuals with disabilities, mental illness, and substance use disorders.

Maine Emergency Management Agency & County Emergency Management Agencies
In Maine, emergency management is coordinated regionally by Emergency Management Agencies (EMAs) in each of our 16 Counties. County Directors are appointed by their respective County Commissioners, and funded in part by County, and in part by federal funds provided through MEMA.
Link to Maine Emergency Management Agencies

Maine Equal Justice
Maine Equal Justice (MEJ) is a nonprofit civil legal aid and economic justice organization working to increase economic security, opportunity, and equity for people in Maine.

Maine Families
Provides support to all Maine familes who are expecting or have a new baby at home. Whether it is your first or your third baby, Maine Families certified family visitors can provide information, encouragement and support around the topics that matter to you regarding health, nutrition, safety, development and your family's well-being. They meet at your convenience and at no cost to you.

Maine Office of Tourism
Official website of the Maine Office of Tourism.

Maine Oral Health Coalition
This partnership of state government, health care providers, community agencies, and consumers focuses on advocating for and improving access to quality preventive and comprehensive oral health care for all Maine residents.

Maine Parent Federation
A private non-profit organization that provides information, support and training to parents and professionals through numerous grant funded projects. Through its projects, individuals can receive information about: specific disabilities, parenting issues, education, services, support groups and other resources available to assist families and professionals within the home, school and community.

Maine Primary Care Association
Provides technical and financial support to Maine's 30 non-profit community health centers. They also sponsor a number of provider training forums as well as initiatives to reduce domestic violence, promote healthy lifestyles and increase access to healthcare.

Maine Public Broadcasting Network
MPBN, Maine News and PBS programming. See television and radio highlights, web exclusives, and NPR News.

Maine Public Health Association
The Maine Public Health Association is the state’s oldest, largest, and most diverse association for public health professionals. As a statewide nonprofit association, MPH advocates, acts, and advises on critical public health challenges, aiming to improve the policies, systems, and environments that underlie health inequities – but which also have potential to improve health outcomes for all people in Maine.

Maine Rural Health Action Network
A joint initiative of New England Rural Health RoundTable and Maine Rural Partners. Providing a network for Maine's public health and wellness community.

Maine Secretary of State and Upcoming Elections
Keep up with the Secretary of State and local elections by visiting the Maine Secretary of State website.
Click to visit the Secretary of State website.

Maine State Chambers of Commerce
Provides links to all chambers of commerce in Maine.

Maine State Housing Authority & Local CAP Agencies
Maine State Housing Authority couples the efficiencies of the private financial markets with public purpose goals to provide affordable home ownership and rental housing opportunities for Maine people.
Local CAP agencies provide guidance, services, and programs to their respective communities in support of financial security, reliable transportation, stable housing, solid education, and healthy living. They engage in strategic partnerships, and through advocacy address barriers to economic opportunities for all – with goals that include improving quality of life, reducing the impacts and causes of poverty, and helping clients to achieve economic and social self-sufficiency.

Maine State Legislature
Keep up on what is happening at the Maine State Legislature by visiting the Maine State Legislature website.

Maine WIC
Maine's Women, Infants, and Children's program is available to help birthing patients and families with infants and children up to the age of 5, including adoptive families. WIC food benefits are available based on income guidelines and up-to-date nutrition research. Visit their website to learn more.

Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network (RAINN)
A Rape Crisis Center dedicated to helping victims of rape, incest and sexual abuse work through the after-effects of assault.

Redington Fairview General Hospital
A 65-bed hospital in Somerset County serving the 30,000 area residents and sponsoring a number of community health promotion initiatives.

Safe Voices
The Mission of Safe Voices is to support and empower those affected by domestic violence and engage the community in creating social change in Androscoggin, Oxford and Franklin Counties.

State of Maine
The official home page for the State of Maine.

Town Information